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The beginning of the XXI centuries was marked by arrival of new - «intellectual economy ", where the main source of well-being growth becomes not natural resources, but the results of creation of human mind - ideas and innovations, based on them. Countries and communities with the economies based on knowledge are on the first place today.

The new epoch also shows new requirements to a business management, which main feature the flexibility and speed of reaction on external conditions. However at sharp growth of the information volumes, circulating in the world, any chief is not capable to capture it without the preliminary analysis and estimation by the professionals.

And, as the consequence, the key role is allocated now to the support functions for the management by urgent, specially focused on acceptance of the strategic decisions information about business and competitive environment around own organization (firm, company).

In the process of market relations strengthen in Russia, the information requirements of new generation of the chiefs of the companies become more and more obvious orientated on final result - a manufacturing and profitable selling of competitive production based on last scientific and technical achievements. Radical reorganization of acceptance of the strategic decisions in Russian enterprise environment requires a change of characters of innovative processes, closer coordination of creation of new technologies with their legal protection, necessity of supporting of competitive positions of Russia in the global market.

The companies in industrial countries at the end of ХХ centuries began to create special services of "competitive intelligence" for maintenance of competitive advantages and as the consequence - successful development of business. The basic functions of the given services are the collecting of the information about intentions of the competitors, basic tendencies of the development of business, possible risks for business, new opportunities of business, etc., their analysis, preparation of conclusions and forecasts, and, as a consequence, their account at acceptance of the strategic administrative decisions. The competitive intelligence is not simply information, but, first of all, constant analysis and forecast of changes in the market.

Competitive intelligence are the collecting of information and research, both market, and all business environment carried out on a constant basis, with the purpose of revealing the real and potential factors, which influence or can affect the ability of firm to successfully compete in the given market.

The results of researches of competitive intelligence are processed in such a manner that they directly form the basis for the accepted strategic decisions or become the introduction for strategic planning process. The competitive intelligence is based on the factor of time and is adhered to it.

The specified circumstances, and also the growing requirement of business of Russia for practical use of competitive intelligence, moved the group of the Russian experts in the field of competitive intelligence to create and registrate in Moscow on August 29, 2002 the noncommercial organization in the form of Non-profit partnership  "Russian society of competitive intelligence professionals" (NP "RSCIP").

Any physical or legal person interested in joint achievement of the authorized purposes of the Partnership can become a member of noncommercial partnership.

There is also an institute of the Advisers in the Partnership. The representatives of state bodies and establishments, commercial and noncommercial organizations, public and professional associations, and also persons, agreeable to render to Partnership and its members the assistance in achievement of the authorized purposes and tasks can be the advisers.

The basic purposes of activity of the Partnership are:

·         Rendering assistance to the members of organization in their professional development;

·         Creating the conditions for association of the experts professionally engaged in competitive intelligence and experts of other spheres of activity interested in the theory and practice of competitive intelligence;

·         Cooperation with the international and foreign organizations of a similar structure with the purpose of information interchange, experience in the field of competitive intelligence;

·         Assistance and support of the international competitiveness of Russia, its branches and separate enterprises by means of introduction and perfection of functions of competitive intelligence;

·         Development, introduction and perfection of methodical, methodological base of competitive intelligence in Russian Federation, in view of the current legislation and international experience. Generalization and distribution of experience of practical work of the members of the Partnership;

·         Introduction of the training programs and techniques on professions in sphere of competitive intelligence in educational institutions of Russian Federation. Realization of training of the experts by means of organization by the Partnership the additional professional education;

·         Cooperation with state, public, educational and commercial structures on development of civilized business and competition, civilized protection of business.

Within the framework of realization of the authorized activity Noncommercial partnership:

- Adjusts interaction with various public, state and commercial structures;

- Establishes connection with various regions of Russia;

- Develops the international cooperation with similar and related organizations.

Non-profit partnership "Russian society of competitive intelligence professionals"

invites all interested persons to participate in its activity.

Detailed information of the purposes and tasks facing RSCIP, condition of membership in RSCIP and in institute of the advisers are in the RSCIP Charter, Rules about the membership and about advisers group of RSCIP, placed on our web-site.

We hope, that materials placed on the web-site, and also the opportunity of "live" dialogue between everyone, who is interested in competitive intelligence will help you in your professional activity.

With deep respect

The Board of

The Russian society of competitive intelligence professionals


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